Our commitment is to Jesus Christ, His Church, the Word of God, the Hope of the Gospel and love for all God’s children, these are at the core of our culture.
We maintain high Christian standards in how we assist those wanting a recovery from addiction. This standard applies to our board of directors, volunteers, business partners and one another.
We are affordable as we believe an affordable place to call home and receive assistance for long term recovery for the men and women of Celebrating Recovery (CR) House and their families is vital to successful recovery from addiction.
We are accountable for the quality of our recovery assistance, the stewardship of the resources entrusted to us and for exemplifying our core principles:
- Commitment to God.
- Relationship with others.
- Willingness to be taught.
- Being honest and authentic.
- Gratitude and thankfulness.
- Courage and faith and
- Work ethic and stewardship.
We are advocates on behalf of Jesus Christ and to the men and women of the CR House who are being redeemed, restored. We support other programs and like-minded groups to create opportunities to pursue positive change in their lives.
We are collaborative seeking the input of those who are affected by addiction (addicts, families, first responders care givers) in our work as we partner with likeminded groups to achieve our mission