How can YOU be of service?  
Below are a few areas of immediate need.
* Van drivers- shop, appointments, work places
* Teach how to cook, budget, balance an account and many other important skills
* Counseling, mentoring, accountability, case worker, prayer partner….. friend.
Want to serve behind the scenes?
* Orientation workers – set up, serve, greet
* Information Point person for their churches
* Promotion, social media
* Event planner- Community informational meetings, graduations, celebrations
* A VOLUNTEER with a servant spirit
Pray: For the CR House leaders to have wisdom.  For the men & women who CHOOSE to live for Christ.
Give: Time, money and invest in their future.
Serve:  Everyone has something they can do to make a difference! 
The King will reply, “Truly I tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me.”